
My Cassin's Mickey!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

severe weather and signs

     I know it is raining.  I know you think rain means bath time.  However this no longer applies as it has rained almost everyday for a week and will continue to rain for the NEXT week.  So bathtime will go back to every few days again or as I see you trying to cram your feathered butt into your water dish.  The thunder and hail we had today could give a rat's behind what you think.  Growling at it then screaming only increases the noise level I have to deal with while trying to monitor the SEVERE weather to make sure high winds do not place us elsewhere.
     You have a sign indicating to outsiders that you bite.  Please keep it there.  You may chew on it, feel free, but quit trying to take the darned thing down!  I burned my finger on a wood burner making that thing, it better stay where we can see it!
     The vacuum did do an awesome job of picking up your pellet crumbs.  Thank you for making a new mess.  The seed catcher is just that.  It is not a wrap around perch.  Stop dropping your food on the floor!  That is the reason behind the tray at the bottom of your stand.
     Until next time, because there is always a next time :)

Pregnant Pandora

Sweet kitty of mine...
     I can assure you that I am capable of using the restroom by myself.  You do not need to check up on me, in fact, seeing your nose under the door is a little creepy.  Also, you look like you swallowed a football, which means you do not fit under the door.  You have not fit under that door for several months. I don't know if the pregnancy is making you delusional or you have a desire to be small again, but I regret to inform you (sorta) that you will likely never again fit under the door.  Now please, let me potty in peace.  :)