
My Cassin's Mickey!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mickey has helped me

I must say, I have never done all of the research I should have before bringing Mickey home.  I assumed because the store had my tiel and my budgies before I bought them on a seed diet that it was okay.  And then I joined a forum and began researching diet requirements.  I never really considered Naomi or my previous feather buddies parrots, but they are.  As I began learning, I found out that they require fresh fruits and veggies so I began perusing the produce section of the grocery store for bright and interesting, but safe, foods for him and Naomi to convert to.
     I never really went through the produce section except for bananas and strawberries which I and my son like.  But as I buy things for the birds and try them myself, I have acquired new foods in my fridge and can hardly complain.  So I owe Mickey and Naomi and the wonderful people of the Avian Avenue a big thank you.  For the information, for the help, for the advice, and sharing their knowledge and experiences to make life better for my birds and I.